Get Literate.

A Printable Book Journal

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Love books?

This book journal invites you to collect, curate and celebrate your reading life: books, authors, genres, formats and more!

Love lists?

This book journal prompts you create book lists books you love, books you've hugged, books that have changed you and more!

Love learning?

This book journal helps you think deeply about books, what you might learn from them and and how they can make life better...complete with heart ratings!

A life well read is a life well lived. 

I'm Stephanie!

I study Bookology and am the chief Bookologist at Get Lit(erate).

I’m also a book-loving, notebook-hoarding literacy educator on a mission to change lives one book and one notebook at a time.

I love reading books, filling notebooks, eating dark chocolate, drinking coffee and coming together with bookish friends. 

Documenting and celebrating our reading lives holds great power. 

This is unlike any book journal you've seen. Why?

It has the potential to change your life.

Books and reading have the power to transform our lives. We meet new friends, travel to new locations, experience new perspectives and learn valuable life lessons with each turn of the page. And, when we explore the themes of the book in our own lives, from love and relationships to baking and gardening, magic happens.

The book leaves us a better person than when we started.

But so much of the book world today is about numbers: tracking how many days we’ve read, posting the number of books we’ve read this month, setting our yearly challenge on our Goodreads account and chasing the never-ending quest to read the latest releases along with the rest of the world.

But reading isn’t about numbers.

It’s about the titles we chose to bring into our lives, the author’s we’ve come to know through their words, the lessons we learn through the pages, the quotes that touch our heart, the concepts that could potentially change our life for knowing them and the feelings we want to hold onto.

Here's What Included:

*in BOTH black & white and color so you can choose what you love most:

  • A Bookish Table of Contents to help you easily track the books you’ve read over time.
  • Book Pages to help us pay attention to the books we are reading and how they are changing us.
  • A To-Be-Read List to capture the titles you want to read next along with why you want to read them.
  • A Did-Not-Finish List to capture the titles that weren’t right for you right now…and why that might be the case.
  • A Top Ten Books List to hold books that made an indelible impression close to your reading heart.
  • Book lists and checklists designed to prompt reflection on your reading life and harness the power of books to cultivate a life you love.
  • A graphic book shelf to write in the books you've read so your shelf can grow over time.
  • A genre tracker to help you keep track of your genres and diversify your reading life.
  • A daily reading tracker to help you grow your reading habits.
  • A challenge page to grow your reading life in new ways.
  • A page to track the monthly book releases you're looking forward to.
  • A page to collect compelling and inspiring quotes from the books you've read.
  • A Reading Map to track the places you've visited through books.
  • A page to capture your monthly reading goals.
  • A list to track the books you've hugged and have touched your heart.
  • A list to note the books you'd like to pay forward and share with others.
  • A list to track books you'd like to reread.

I believe that a life well-read is a life well-lived and I believe this book journal can help you find both. Reading books and intentionally taking action on the magic inside can literally change our lives.

This book journal shows you how.

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