Free Bookish Spreadsheet!
My Reading Life: A Bookish Spreadsheet is a digital reading log to help you cultivate, grow and reflect on your reading life. All you need to do is make a copy, add your book entries and watch your reading stats come to life automatically.
Grab Your Bookish & notebookish Freebies!
I've compiled all of my bookish and notebookish freebies for you to browse and make your own.
Just enter your email, check your Inbox and enjoy!
Happy reading and writing!
Bibliotherapy Book Calendar
Each month inside my Get Lit(erate). Substack community, we explore a one-word theme to guide our reading, writing and living. My FAVORITE resource is my bibliotherapy book calendar: a monthly calendar with a thematic book recommendation for EVERY DAY OF THE MONTH!
Download your sample month here!

Reading Log
Looking for a quick way to track your reading life? Print out this handy page to collect books and quotes AND plan for the next books on your TBR, too.

Keep Headers
Love Google Keep? Download these Google Keep headers to instantly transform your Keep notes into beautiful reading logs!

Reading Rules
Reflection on the rules for our reading life can offer interesting insights for our actual life, too. This printable will walk you through the process step-by-step.
Free Snail Mail Book Recommendations
Sometimes, we could all use a bit of bookish mail to brighten up our day. Sign up to receive a FREE personalized book recommendation delivered to your physical mailbox.
Submit a request for yourself, for a family member or for a friend....anyone who might love a bit of bookish cheer!
Wondering where in the world I've already sent postcards to? Here's my map!
I want a book postcard!