Get Lit(erate). Book Journal
Here’s what you’ll find inside:
*A Bookish Table of Contents to help you easily track the books you’ve read over time.
*Book Pages to help us pay attention to the books we are reading and how they are changing us.
*A To-Be-Read List to capture the titles you want to read next along with why you want to read them.
*A Did-Not-Finish List to capture the titles that weren’t right for you right now…and why that might be the case.
*A Top Ten Books List to hold books that made an indelible impression close to your reading heart.
*Book lists and checklists designed to prompt reflection on your reading life and harness the power of books to cultivate a life you love.
*A graphic book shelf to write in the books you've read so your shelf can grow over time.
*A genre tracker to help you keep track of your genres and diversify your reading life.
*A daily reading tracker to help you grow your reading habits.
*A challenge page to grow your reading life in new ways.
*A page to track the monthly book releases you're looking forward to.
*A page to collect compelling and inspiring quotes from the books you've read.
*A Reading Map to track the places you've visited through books.
*A page to capture your monthly reading goals.
*A list to track the books you've hugged and have touched your heart.
*A list to note the books you'd like to pay forward and share with others.
*A list to track books you'd like to reread.