$17.00 USD

Personalized Book Apothecary

Get a personalized book list with the right book at the right time to help you cultivate a life you love and even grow through what you go through, too.

Here’s how it works:

  1. First, you'll fill out a Google form letting me know your reading preferences, what’s going on in your world right now and what you’d like next in your reading life to help your actual life. You can even leave an optional voice message if that's easier.
  2. Next, I'll get to work curating a collection of books that I think are perfect for you to read right now in this season of life.
  3. Then, I’ll send you a book list with 7 - 10 books in a carefully curated digital PDF for you to print, refer to and learn from.

You'll have the option of upgrading to live coaching session, too!

Wondering what the digital apothecary looks like? Take a peek here!