The Coaching Sketchnote Book
A virtual notebook collection of sketchnotes (ideas about coaching) and sketchtivities (activities for coaching) that illustrate coaching pedagogy, ideas, tools and resources to empower teacher learning.
I'm Stephanie!
I have a love for all things literacy teaching, coaching and leading. I’ve dedicated my career to creating spaces for learning that build teacher expertise, spark intentional reflection and connect philosophy to pedagogy.
I’ve carved out a little corner of the virtual world just for instructional coaches and leaders to fuel their work and receive the same level of support and energy they provide for their teachers.
My professional passion? I've fused my love of notebooks, markers and sticky notes with digital tools and technology to innovate instructional coaching and lifelong teacher reading, writing and learning.

Need Community?
Do you ever wish for your own coach to support your own learning and practices?

Need Ideas?
Are you looking for ideas and resources to ignite your coaching, yet save you time?

Need Creativity?
Do you long for a bit of joyful creativity in your coaching?
A coaching sketchnote book can change everything.
What's a coaching sketchnote book?
Just as athletic coaches create playbooks to house and organize plays for their athletes, instructional coaches can create sketchnote books to capture and curate their ideas to best support teacher learning….and enjoy a bit of creativity and design along the way. But coaching sketchnote books not only curate impactful coaching practices, they support our own learning, reflection and goal-setting.

Coaching sketchnote books have transformed my own coaching & I'm opening the pages of my notebook to share this practice with you!
The Notebook
My blog features free access to my personal collection of over 100 coaching tools to empower teacher learning and set teachers’ hearts and minds on fire.
Each is paired with a thoughtful description, clear step-by-step guidance and supportive resources to use the idea in your own coaching and leading.
You'll find three of my favorite coaching tools, lifted directly from my own personal coaching sketchnote book, below:

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